
(5206 results, 53 pages)

tag name Ø champion Ø top 3 Ø tg # members 1v1 win % 1v1 games
201 Popos Popos 1055 1055 1102 2 54.17% 24
202 MotC MenOfTheCloth 1054
Reaper_Rex profile picture Reaper_Rex (1226)
1054 1069 2 51.42% 424
203 Ars Arsenal 1053
SEVEN RISK profile picture SEVEN RISK (1053)
1053 843 2 52.54% 118
204 PUBZ PubStomperz 1052
ReallyBurl profile picture ReallyBurl (1052)
1052 0 2 100.00% 1
205 XXT ExplodeXana 1052
Chuleta4364 profile picture Chuleta4364 (1052)
1052 876 2 100.00% 1
206 UDH UDH 1052
Jmal00 profile picture Jmal00 (1052)
1052 0 3 100.00% 1
207 SMB TheSamosa 1052 1052 0 7 100.00% 1
Darlof profile picture Darlof (1052)
1052 0 2 100.00% 1
209 Obvfr OblivionFR 1051
cytropus profile picture cytropus (1051)
1051 0 2 100.00% 1
210 NMS Némésis 1051 1051 947 2 50.00% 30
211 yable youable 1050
Shalnak1608 profile picture Shalnak1608 (1132)
1050 1030 4 53.33% 315
212 LNC LateNightClub 1049 1049 0 2 100.00% 1
213 xNXS xNexus 1049
Columbus profile picture Columbus (1049)
1049 0 2 100.00% 1
214 OPPS Opps 1049
koukaler profile picture koukaler (1049)
1049 0 3 100.00% 1
215 OHA OHANA 1048 1048 0 3 100.00% 1
216 AZAR Desistimos 1048
JuKiTaY profile picture JuKiTaY (1048)
1048 956 5 100.00% 1
217 EMxH EliteMexicanHunters 1048 1048 0 3 100.00% 1
218 Obb Oblivionborn 1048 1048 959 3 100.00% 1
219 NOFC WuTang 1048 1048 1004 2 100.00% 1
220 Sapph Sapphrica 1048
FoxyBoxes profile picture FoxyBoxes (1048)
1048 0 2 100.00% 1
221 ZERG ZERG 1048
TxSells profile picture TxSells (1048)
1048 0 4 100.00% 1
ayamuneke profile picture ayamuneke (1048)
1048 0 3 100.00% 1
223 mPzzA Mastapizza 1048
Davis profile picture Davis (1048)
1048 1195 2 100.00% 1
joullos8023 profile picture joullos8023 (1048)
1048 1034 3 100.00% 1
225 BBT BigBlackTitans 1048 1048 0 6 100.00% 1
226 LUGIE Lugerts 1048
JJ2JJ profile picture JJ2JJ (1048)
1048 1048 2 100.00% 1
227 HTLP HoldThatLProudly 1048 1048 0 6 100.00% 1
LyeGaia profile picture LyeGaia (1096)
1048 1124 18 51.06% 94
229 EXR ExcessiveRooster 1047 1047 962 3 56.25% 16
230 MYHM Mayhem 1047
C0MITZ profile picture C0MITZ (1047)
1047 0 2 100.00% 1
231 KURD Kurdistan 1047
R3laxer profile picture R3laxer (1047)
1047 934 2 66.67% 3
232 VELHO Aposentados_Perigosos 1046
Kaoigor profile picture Kaoigor (1046)
1046 1002 2 100.00% 1
233 Tahi Wraith 1046
DogDamDingo profile picture DogDamDingo (1183)
1046 1095 10 50.70% 213
234 BEL Belgians 1045
CoteDor profile picture CoteDor (1119)
1045 1244 2 51.61% 93
235 LMB LosManbar 1045 1045 0 2 60.00% 5
236 TeeK Teekanne 1045
XiLeD42 profile picture XiLeD42 (1045)
1045 0 4 60.00% 5
237 TM7 TeemoMainM7 1044
Conqueror J profile picture Conqueror J (1044)
1044 1077 4 50.00% 40
238 CGuni ConsortiumGaming 1044 1044 878 17 100.00% 1
239 GODLY GODLY 1044
tappy profile picture tappy (1044)
1044 1016 2 66.67% 3
240 Chung ChungyBois 1044
F1VE NORTH profile picture F1VE NORTH (1044)
1044 969 2 66.67% 3
241 EBA EBA 1044 1044 1049 4 100.00% 1
242 SPRL Spiral 1044
Pudge profile picture Pudge (1044)
1044 1177 2 66.67% 3
243 FF15 Ksepoutsarians 1043
Bakapito profile picture Bakapito (1043)
1043 0 2 100.00% 1
244 STDs STDsForSale 1043
Venkowing profile picture Venkowing (1043)
1043 947 5 100.00% 1
245 Rendg Rendoggo 1043
Nayuki profile picture Nayuki (1043)
1043 0 3 100.00% 1
246 GA51 GameArea51 1043 1043 716 2 66.67% 3
247 gmb gamboking 1043 1043 0 3 100.00% 1
248 HFTF HappyFunTimeFriends 1043 1043 955 2 100.00% 1
249 OSEF Osef 1043
Verseb2595 profile picture Verseb2595 (1139)
1043 1042 6 66.67% 9
Dr Glijpo profile picture Dr Glijpo (1142)
1042 971 3 52.33% 172
251 TErR Terror 1042 1042 1058 3 52.56% 78
252 DOM DeoOptimoMaximo 1041
Roohted profile picture Roohted (1041)
1041 937 2 60.00% 5
253 HME HolyMolyEmpire 1041
thePHANT profile picture thePHANT (1129)
1041 1000 7 66.67% 6
254 Sweg NoPeni4uSir 1040 1040 0 2 60.00% 5
255 ESPER ESPERANZAGOMEZ 1040 1040 1077 6 50.00% 12
256 τnτ TeamNoToxic 1040
BenjaRoll profile picture BenjaRoll (1040)
1040 896 6 100.00% 1
257 LCUW LegionesCataegis 1039
The Snail profile picture The Snail (1039)
1039 1063 3 53.33% 30
258 TDB Tiny_Dick_Boys 1039 1039 0 3 100.00% 1
259 XXXX XXXXGold 1039
z1 profile picture z1 (1039)
1039 1079 2 53.29% 167
260 OPPL OsPerdePraLendario 1038
krataralho profile picture krataralho (1038)
1038 950 7 66.67% 3
261 DP69 DoProstagma69 1036
Debeul profile picture Debeul (1036)
1036 0 2 51.43% 70
262 CHKRS CHOUKIKROQKS 1036 1036 983 3 57.41% 54
263 LCDS LaCajaDeSchrodinger 1035 1035 1099 3 53.42% 219
264 SyT Sangre_y_Truenos 1035
Xaerion profile picture Xaerion (1035)
1035 946 2 51.81% 83
265 COOL Colombia 1034
Cardona9420 profile picture Cardona9420 (1034)
1034 1165 12 51.38% 109
266 Akali Kinkou 1034
Devilborn profile picture Devilborn (1034)
1034 1071 5 54.86% 175
267 IVS InsanisVictus 1033 1033 0 3 57.14% 7
268 CBTS Chibatas 1033 1033 0 2 60.00% 5
269 SNG NectarGaming 1033 1033 1125 2 54.55% 11
270 EGGS Who_Wants_It 1032 1032 0 4 60.00% 5
271 PTC40 PriviTestClan404 1030 1030 914 3 60.00% 10
272 VHX VHX 1030
Kyro profile picture Kyro (1030)
1030 1063 2 54.79% 73
273 ATUN Atunes 1030
Guille profile picture Guille (1215)
1030 1147 3 54.70% 181
274 SLd SoLid 1029 1029 1168 2 57.89% 19
275 Scum Scum 1029
The Grimex profile picture The Grimex (1029)
1029 1104 3 53.85% 13
276 TSD TheSilverDaggers 1025
LoL>DOTA2 profile picture LoL>DOTA2 (1103)
1067 999 7 52.54% 413
277 ZJM ZuesesJuiceyMinotaurs 1025 1025 1002 2 50.51% 394
278 RCDS RetoldCommunityDiscord 1025
Dusty-Inn profile picture Dusty-Inn (1176)
1160 1148 20 52.02% 569
279 LVKS Vakitas 1025 1025 1042 2 50.48% 418
280 NoL NoxianLegion 1025 1025 0 2 55.56% 9
281 Sod SonsOfOdin 1023
Pol Ramses profile picture Pol Ramses (1023)
1023 0 2 53.85% 13
282 TBAG LaBagarre 1023
Javieroooo profile picture Javieroooo (1023)
1023 1022 2 50.70% 71
283 BRKIL Brasileirinho 1021 1021 1085 6 51.29% 661
284 13EnJ 13EnJambes 1019
Solter13 profile picture Solter13 (1019)
1019 972 2 50.00% 4
285 2TC 2TC 1019
Voltron profile picture Voltron (1223)
1019 1261 5 50.60% 251
286 HW2 Lawz 1018 1018 1066 7 52.00% 25
287 1111 Losautistasdelage 1018
Leo profile picture Leo (1018)
1018 1158 2 54.55% 22
288 asf asd 1017 1017 990 3 51.02% 49
289 Nekro NekroSkecther 1017 1017 1042 3 52.03% 148
290 30Añe Treintañeros 1016
ThSushi profile picture ThSushi (1106)
1016 992 4 50.00% 28
291 PEKA PEKA 1015
TickBecker profile picture TickBecker (1015)
1015 1075 3 51.92% 52
292 GONO g0n0rr3a 1015 1015 1082 6 52.78% 36
293 ZgSm Ziegenschmerzen 1015
B1RD UP profile picture B1RD UP (1015)
1015 1140 3 50.00% 2
294 LHDR LosHeraldosDelRagnarok 1014
SlimTick730 profile picture SlimTick730 (1026)
1014 1083 3 51.75% 371
295 Hemp HempAndHeadshots 1012
Rp1A5468 profile picture Rp1A5468 (1048)
1012 1091 5 57.14% 7
296 1453 OgrenciProleteryasi 1011
iltankee profile picture iltankee (1011)
1011 0 2 50.00% 2
297 KVRA KaveraGodofOlympus 1011
XozzyBr profile picture XozzyBr (1045)
1011 947 5 50.00% 4
298 USA Merica 1010 1010 1115 2 49.06% 53
299 TTC TocatejasCrew 1010
Ar profile picture Ar (1010)
1010 980 3 50.00% 8
300 DDRN Dendenrin 1010
Sudsebas profile picture Sudsebas (1010)
1010 0 2 45.16% 31

(5206 results, 53 pages)