Are mirror matchups excluded?

Mirror matchups are excluded from any 1v1 statistics.

How often are stats updated?

About every 5 minutes. You can view the last updated time at the bottom of each page.

There's a match missing, what gives?

Unfortunately, the apis provided by World's Edge sometimes drop a match or two. There is nothing I can do about that.

Can I see your data?

Yes! Scroll to the footer and read more about it on the api page.

Are you getting paid for this?

No. If you'd like to support me and the site you can buy me a coffee, link in the navbar.

Do you store custom games?

No. Only ranked games are stored.

Are one trick ponies excluded from stats?

Currently, no. One trick ponies are not excluded from stats.

How do you calculate mains?

Players are identified as having a main god if: 1) they have played at least 30 games in the past 90 days, 2) they have played at least 92% of their games with a single god.

What are you developing for this site?

For the most up to date roadmap, please join the Discord server. Discord server can be found at the bottom of each page.

This data is worthless! The sample size is too small!

Try filtering by different criteria, looking at different ladders, or including multiple patches.

What are the confidence intervals?

I do not currently calculate confidence intervals, but that might be something I add in the future.

Can you weight win rates by elo or experience?

I could. It turns out it doesn't affect much and the naive win rates are "close enough" for these stats. Weighting would change things very very slightly (~0.01%). Fitting a logistic regresssion model to the data is just too expensive for a dynamic site like this. I will leave this as an exercise for the reader

Do you have an api?

No, that's not on the roadmap. I will be exposing all data as perodic database dumps in the future, but no live api is planned.

How do you get your data?

I use the World's Edge community apis.

Are you affiliated with Microsoft?


What technology are you using?

Python, sqlalchemy, and sqlite to retrieve and store the data from the World's Edge community apis. SvelteKit for the frontend.

I'd like to report a bug or request a feature.

Please join the Discord server and post your bug report or feature request in the appropriate channel. Discord link is at the bottom of each page.

Can you provide minor god stats?

At this time minor god information is not available from the World's Edge apis. If they become available I will add minor god stats.

I cannot find my profile, what gives?

You must play at least 10 ranked games and have a rating to be included on the leaderboards.

What is eAPM and how is it calculated?

eAPM stands for "Effective Actions Per Minute". It is calculated as follows: (# actions / game length in minutes). Actions are equal to actual game commands that are issued. Game commands actually affect the game state, such as building a unit or building a building. Just selecting units or buildings does not count. eAPM is calculated by parsing match replays, so only matches with replays will have eAPM.

How long are replays stored?

Custom games are stored for 3 days. Ranked replays are stored for 7 days. Ranked replays that are downloaded more than 10 times have a 30 day retention period so that popular replays can be downloaded more often.

Why do some matches not have replays?

Replays are only available for matches that are returned from World's Edge official apis. Large replays (more than 10MB) are also not stored. If a match is missing a replay, there is nothing I can do about it.

My match has a replay, but no minor god stats or eAPM, what gives?

The replay parsing is not perfect and is a bit trial and error. There are potentially game states that have not been accounted for that break replaying parsing. As more games come through, the replay parser should improve.

Why can't I find replays from old patches on the replay page?

Replays are only available for the latest patch. New versions of the game can't play old replays anyways, so why show them. You can still find old replays by visiting profiles if you must.

My country is incorrect or I'd like my data removed.

Hop on over to Discord and shoot me a private message. I'm happy to assist.